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Pep Talk!!!

Hello Precious One!

I got a pep talk the other day, hearing about a phone call that came into Light Weigh from Jean. Jean has been a Light Weigh and One King coordinator. She is a widow who is now homeschooling her three grandchildren after the death of her daughter in-law from cancer. Jean's thoughts came at a time when I needed it, because I am more than concerned by developments in our country. The headlines are dominated by strangeness, murder, immodesty and a continuing war on the only thing that ever made America great - God. Jean was saying how much what we are doing at Light Weigh matters! Although I know this - it was nice to hear. Jean said we do not understand the significance of what we are doing in One King and Light Weigh and that it is more important now than ever!

It is easy to look around and feel helpless and overwhelmed and this leads to negative emotions like: anxiety, denial, apathy, discouragement and disheartenment. But the great, grand and Godly news is that we are not helpless - we have the way to make a difference and Jean said it best, "We do not understand the significance of what we are doing in One King and Light Weigh. It is more important now than ever!" We must spread One King and Light Weigh. Will you help God now, by spreading the knowledge of His love, truth and power at your parish? We all need to be asking ourselves - What can I do now? As opposed to - Why isn't someone doing something?

We have the opportunity to make a difference. If we each do nothing - the lukewarm and the God haters will increase. If we each do something - God will help us and multiply our faithful efforts. Starting, continuing or attending a One King or Light Weigh group is the most powerful thing you could be doing right now for God, because it impacts so many different levels - the now and the eternal! Now is the time to plan for the fall! Pray to Jesus. Give your simple efforts into the hands of Mary and ask her to give them to her all-powerful Son. Our Lord will bless your efforts in ways you cannot imagine! Call some friends and put the announcement in the bulletin in a few weeks. These are life changing, world changing programs - so let us begin!

I am hearing from members planning to come to the St. Cyril's Retreat in Pennsylvania! It is going to be a great time and I hope to see you there! Register for the retreat at the St. Cyril's website by clicking on: Recharge-Refresh-Renew-Retreat

If traveling from out of town, there is a Holiday Inn Express close by

Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!


P.S. Pray the Rosary everyday and let nothing push it aside!

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