Another Amazing Emotional Healing!
Hello Precious One!
The last Light Mail about emotional healing caused another member to call and share her story of emotional healing through One King with me. This lady has been through a lot in her life and needed God's healing in her heart, as we each do. She needed the peace only Christ can give. Her story may surprise or resonate with you, because as she got into One King she struggled, and as she struggled, she began to want to get away from the program - she wanted to quit because she hated how the struggling felt. Even though on one level she knew One King was her answer, on another more immediate level she wanted to run from it, because she felt like a failure. Even some friends outside the program suggested she quit.
Another group member had also wanted to quit the group in a previous session, but had been talked into staying by this lady who was now the coordinator. She had told him there was no doubt in her mind that God had called him into the program, because he had had to go through so much to get One King started in their parish. She told him he could not quit! When she went to this gentleman and told him she was going to quit because she hated feeling like such a failure and was a bad example for the group - he reminded her she had been called into One King! He reminded her how she had connected to the program and helped him not to quit. He told her the desire to quit was a sign she needed the prayer and sacrifice support of the group and they were going to step it up and be there for her in that way.
And so the man she had exhorted to stay in the group; then exhorted her to stay in the group. Her small group began praying and sacrificing for her and each other more and now read what God showed her:
"God showed me it is not about the weight, it is about sacrificial love. Like the grain of wheat that has to die in order to produce fruit. God wants me to learn how He loves, not as the world loves. He wants me to learn sacrificial love, which helps me to learn how to die to self.
There is a blessed gift in struggling. To be able to suffer with Christ is a gift. It is a gift to be able to struggle with Jesus. Someone told me once, 'Whenever you suffer, God always gives you a pearl in the midst of the pain.' You can either look for the pearl or the pain.
Learning to die to self is what Light Weigh teaches me in order to rise with Christ. God has allowed me to learn to accept his nonjudgmental, unconditional love. He has showed me He loves me and it doesn't matter how I look or what I weigh - He loves me so much - more than I have ever felt from anything in this world. I have finally accepted His unconditional love!
In Light Weigh you have a family, the way we all pray for each other, in my group, but also everyone in Light Weigh. I always pray for my big Light Weigh family! You are not alone in Light Weigh." ~ Cheryl
Cheryl's story is profound and deeply moving. I thank God for what He is doing in her heart, her life and her group! Let's each pray for our big Light Weigh family in a special way now.
Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!