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Kept 25 off for 10!

Hello Precious One!

Katie has an amazing story of triumph with Christ through Light Weigh and One King! Katie has great insights and advice for you. "Dear Suzanne, I felt God tugging at my heart to start another One King group, and your Light Mails pushed me to do it too. I lost 25 pounds on your program and ten years ago and I have kept it off, but I felt God put returning to Light Weigh on my mind. Even though I had kept my weight off, I felt the need to reconnect to Light Weigh spiritually. But I still actually tried to put Him off! I decided to do a St. Therese Novena about restarting Light Weigh and on the ninth day a woman asked me how I bounced back to slimness after my recent pregnancy? Could God make it more obvious?! I realized so many others need this program too, so I started a One King group and I LOVE the new One King program! I really connected to the Kingship Keys you developed. Although I found peace with food through Light Weigh, my trouble with food started early. I began turning to food in junior high and it controlled me. I would exercise like crazy to control my weight through high school. When I could not exercise in college, my weight went up. I found Light Weigh after my third baby and I burst into tears because I knew it was the answer. What you said, I just did. I believed you. I lost 20 lbs. in my first session and lost a total of 25 after my second and third sessions. I also found peace with food during that time. I never felt discouraged because all the tools in the program helped me to stay excited. I had several miscarriages, which caused my weight to go up, but I was able to lose it with Light Weigh principles. I went on to have three more healthy children. I am very thankful to God for the six with us here and the ones we will meet in Heaven one day. One King has been fabulous. One King is amazingly helpful in bringing one closer to Christ and uniting to His Cross. I recommend to anyone who has done Light Weigh to start another group and do One King. If anyone is struggling I would say - Whatever you do, don't give up. Keep trying to apply yourself to the LWOK principals and to making sacrifices. It will work! I remember Suzanne saying one time years ago, "You can't change, and stay the same". I use my journal every day. I haven't gained my weight back in ten years. I haven't ever again exercised besides normal activity, and I have had three more children during that time. If you put your energy and focus into the program and follow what Suzanne says, you end up putting your energy and focus into God. If you put your energy and focus into doubt and resist the program, you thwart everything it can do for you because ultimately you thwart what God is trying to accomplish in you, because you are fighting His grace. By keeping a sacrificial focus with food, I am starting to see other areas of my life improve. The One King group I started is such a blessing. I am so thankful and grateful for them. We love doing the Bible Study together. Everyone has kept a good sense of humor. God Bless you Suzanne. Thank you so much! Katie"

Spring bulletin announcement.

P.S. Thank you all for so much interest in Catherine Fowler Sample's movie The Dating Project and for all who attended! It sold out around the country and was well received. It will be available on Hulu and Amazon for viewing soon. It is a movie you must show your children and grandchildren to keep them from getting swept up in the Hook Up culture at colleges and beyond! Dating is so much better than hooking up! God is using this movie in a powerful way.

Also - Remember to order your cookbooks for Mother's Day! These Saints Feast Day cookbooks are a treasure trove of Catholic Faith, recipes and family memories waiting to be made! These cookbooks work and will build the faith in your family as you make them happy!

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