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Prepare to Be Inspired

I just got a great testimonial from Lucille [thank you Lucille!] and here it is - prepare to be inspired! I know I was!

How much weight did you lose? 47 lbs I still have 25 to go. Not stopping!

What is your favorite thing about One King? The King, of course. The many, many lessons you taught. Portion size is just right and enough. There was so much thought and care put into every single one. Your demonstrations were priceless. You taught us so much ! Your stories of the saints are inspiring. Most of all, Light Weigh made me want to love Jesus more, love Him whole-heartedly and put food in its rightful place as fuel for my body. I admitted for the first time ever, out-side the confessional, that I was a glutton. That is freedom!

What is your favorite devotion or prayer? The daily journal, especially morning one...Helped me start the day right. I also liked using the little prayer beads. I had to use them a lot to stay focused.

What was the top thing you learned? Two weeks before I started One King, I had carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. The surgery left me without use of that hand for nearly a year. I developed CRPS and was, for months, in the worst pain I have ever experienced. Uniting that pain to the glorious sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and offering it, along with my food sacrifices for the many months I was in pain, got me through a very tough time. I love the Sacrifice Prayer the most. I learned everything else about Light Weigh and your lessons amid that pain and that prayer. And now, when there is so much going on in the Church and in the world, uniting our sufferings and sacrifices to Jesus', with purpose, is needed more than ever! Spiritual GOLD! This was most definitely at the top of my list. This changed my prayer life forever!

Did any other areas of your life change? I am more aware of my angel. :) I can have food in my house and not eat it. I realized early on that Light Weigh is about our love for the King. I quit worrying about food. One King is full of hope and all things important and good. It taught me about being faithful to my beliefs and convictions.

What would you tell someone else who is on the fence about starting a group or joining a group? Don't hesitate! Find a few good friends to come along beside you and go for it. Don't quit because it pays off in so many ways. It's fun, you get healthy, you meet God in new ways. It's worth it. Suzanne is a wealth of good tips, help and spunk for Jesus! What's better than that?

Thank you, Light Weigh!"

In the desert with you!


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