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Let Your Light Shine!



“When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, ‘This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation….The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.’” Luke 11:29-33

From A New One King Coordinator:

“Good Morning Suzanne and the Light Weigh staff!!

I wanted to let you know that we kicked off our first Light Weigh One King meeting Monday evening!! And though it was a lot of very useful information to absorb, I think it went wonderfully. One member in the group already made peace with someone they had a difficult relationship with!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time and MANY blessings to you!!!” ~ Jeannie

Hello Precious One!

The light increases in the spring and this is yet another opportunity to put your Light Weigh & One King light on a stand “that those who enter may see the light.” Luke11:33

Last night I watched a report on 60 Minutes – about how Catholic Christians are being forced to flee cities in the Ninevah region of Iraq. The cities where Catholic Christians have walked and worshipped for thousands of years! Catholic Christian’s homes are being marked with symbols, the same way the homes of the Jews were marked by the Nazi’s. All crosses are being removed, along with all symbols of Christianity. I saw women praying rosaries in the churches to which they had fled. We must to be united in prayer & sacrifice to our brothers & sisters who are experiencing persecution! Our Catholic Faith is a gift and the freedom we have to spread it is a blessing!

We are given opportunities on multiple levels with Light Weigh & One King: first, to spread and fortifying our Catholic Faith, in ourselves and others, and second, to get healthy in every way! *You may offer the spreading of the Catholic Faith our brothers and sisters are suffering for, for them – this way you are doing so much on every level!

Palm Sunday is this Sunday March 29th - Wow! We are entering Holy Week! I love Palm Sunday!!! Palm Sunday shows us so much – because in less than a week, the cheers had gone into hiding or become incredulous sobs. Palm Sunday is a continual reminder of how the world is all over a hero, a victor, a miracle worker and how this calls joy out of some and jealousy out of others. This was the day Jesus received the joyous welcome He more than deserved – He had just raised Lazarus from the dead, but this did not give joy to those in power at the time. If Christ was Whom He said He was – it meant the toppling of the power structure on every level. Who could control the Messiah? This shows how our immediate needs can blind us and cloud our judgment, even when we have “something greater than Jonah” before us still!

This week is an awesome time to reach people who come to Mass only at Easter and Christmas and make people aware of your Light Weigh or One King group! Run a bulletin announcement to let people know you have a Light Weigh or One King group meeting at your parish with your contact number. (See example below) Now people may watch the Orientation on the Internet – so they may decide to join your group without you having to do another orientation just for them. For years I have heard, “I saw it in the bulletin and felt it was there for me to see.” Be the answer to someone’s prayers and extend the invitation to that person who is waiting connect to your parish with a readymade group of loving, supportive friends! Put your light on a stand!

Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!


Sample Bulletin Announcement (Use the regular announcement if you are restarting your group, but use something like this if you have restarted recently and want to let people know you meet at your parish.)

Light Weigh Meeting ~ An Invitation To A Transformation!

Are you interested in finding out about our parish Bible Study Weight-loss (Light Weigh or One King) Group? We meet weekly and we would love to have you join us! For more information call (phone number).

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