Lemon Roast Chicken - St. Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Lemon Roast Chicken
This is a delicious Sunday dinner or anytime dinner. Very easy & very good! There is nothing like the aroma of this roasting chicken. I know St. Gianna would have loved to make this for her family.

For the St. Gianna Beretta Molla Chocolate Pound Cake recipe click here.

Preheat you oven to 325 degrees.

Lightly butter the casserole or roasting pan.

Roll the lemons on the counter. Cut them in half and set aside. I am using three because we love lemon!

In a small bowl, add the heaping T. sea salt.

And the 1 t. paprika, stirring with a fork to combine.

Put two cloves of garlic on a cutting board.

Using a wide bland knife, smash the garlic with the heal of your hand to get them out of their skins.

Press the garlic, one at a time, into the bowl.

Mash with the garlic with a fork to make a smooth paste.

Remove the giblets from the organic chicken and discard. The reason I say to get an organic chicken is, it tastes better and is less rubbery. My daughter with the severe allergies can tell the difference. Rinse the chicken inside and out with cold water. Let the water run off and place in the casserole. Using a paper towel, blot any water on the outside of the chicken.

Rub half the garlic paste inside the chicken cavity and put the lemon halves inside the chicken. Put some in the neck area as well. Rub the rest of the paste on top and around the sides of the chicken.

Serve with the Busy Woman Mashed Potatoes in the cookbook on pg. 121 - Or new potatoes that cook with the chicken that have been tossed in 4 T. olive oil with salt and pepper.

Put the new potatoes around the chicken and drizzle every drop of the olive oil on top. One more shake of sea salt is a good idea. Put the chicken in a 325 degree oven and allow it to cook for 1 ½ -2 hours. The juices should run clear when pricked with a fork and the meat should pull away from the joints.

A beautiful St. Gianna Lemon Roast chicken!
St. Gianna Beretta Molla Lemon Roast Chicken
Oven Temperature 325 Degrees
Lightly buttered casserole or roasting pan
1 6-7 lb. Roasting Chicken, organic if possible
2-3 Organic Lemons, washed
1 heaping T. Sea Salt
1 t. Paprika
2 large cloves Organic Garlic
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly butter the casserole or roasting pan. Remove the giblets from the chicken and discard. Rinse the chicken inside and out with cold water. Let the water run off and place in the casserole. Using a paper towel, bloat any water on the outside of the chicken.
Roll the lemons on the counter and cut them in half.
In a small bowl, add the sea salt and paprika, stirring with a fork to combine. Press the garlic into the bowl and mash with the fork to make a smooth paste.
Rub half the garlic paste inside the chicken cavity and put the lemon halves inside the chicken. Put some in the neck area as well. Rub the rest of the paste on top and around the sides of the chicken.
Put the chicken in a 325 degree oven and allow it to cook for 1 ½ -2 hours. The juices should run clear when pricked with a fork and the meat should pull away from the joints.
Serve with the mashed potatoes in the cookbook on pg. 121 or new potatoes that cook with the chicken that have been tossed in olive oil with salt and pepper.
All recipes copyright of Suzanne Fowler, Building the Family Cookbook 2004