St. Maria Goretti
Feast Day: July 6th
Patroness of: Teenage Girls and Model of Purity

“From the very beginning, the crushing stone of poverty was always pressing down on
the Goretti family. Maria’s mother, Assunta, was an orphan who had never been taught to
read or write. Maria’s father, Luigi, was a soldier who returned to Corinaldo, Italy to
marry Assunta and become a farmer. Luigi and Assunta both had a deep love for God and
Our Lady. Although they were very poor, they viewed children as a great gift from God
and cherished each child that was sent to them. Their first child, a little boy, died as an
infant. Assunta gave birth to another son and then on October 16, 1890, gave birth to a
baby girl. She was named Maria in thanksgiving to Our Lady and Teresa after Teresa of
Avila. Four more children followed and, while the love grew, so did the poverty. Maria’s
family had no toys for their children and Maria never had a doll. The Goretti’s had a
small picture of Our Lady that was considered the family’s greatest treasure. Luigi and
Assunta loved their small home, but Luigi felt they needed to move to try to make a
better life. He said, “We must not think of ourselves; but they (the children) are gifts from
the Good God and we must show our gratitude by taking care of them.”
They moved and tried farming in another area, but still were very poor. Assunta said that
most of the time, they were forced to live off of chestnut flour pudding and maize bread.
In desperation, Maria’s father agreed to become partners with Giovanni Serenelli and
become tenant farmers in one of the worst parts of Italy. The land they moved to was
swampland, where disease was carried by mosquitoes. Serenelli had a sixteen year old
son, Alessandro. Alessandro’s mother had died when he was a young boy and his father
was strict and harsh. Unbeknownst to the Goretti family, the father and son both read
violent newspapers and also pornographic magazines. The two families moved in above
an old dairy barn, sharing the upper floor, but living in separate quarters.
Maria was amazing for many reasons, on many levels. Her mother said, she could never
remember Maria disobeying her. Of the people who testified for Maria’s beatification, all
of them mentioned her cheerfulness. She was a tremendous help to her parents and she
was eager to please and worked without complaint. Many times, she went without food
so that others in the family could have more. Luigi became exhausted from overwork,
and contracted the marsh disease, which was a combination of typhus, malaria,
meningitis and pneumonia. Assunta never left his bedside during the ten days before his
death. Maria, who was nine and a half at the time, took over all the cooking chores, ran
errands and cared for the children, keeping them out of the way. Maria wore her rosary
around her wrist, so that she could try to be in a constant state of prayer. Before he died,
Luigi begged Assunta to move back with the children to Corinaldo. He died in May of
1900. Tragically, Assunta was overwhelmed and did not think she could move the
children back to their old home. Because of their dire straights, Assunta was forced to
take her husband’s place and work in the fields. Assunta described the prayer life of her
family: “At home, we would close the day by reciting the Holy Rosary, except during
summer when sometimes we could not manage it, as there was so much work to do. Little
Maria never missed it; and after her father’s death, when we had already gone to bed, she
would recite another five Mysteries for the repose of his soul. She did this in addition
because she knew that I could not have Masses celebrated because I did not have enough
Maria longed to make her First Communion, but her mother said they could not afford
the clothes and so she would have to wait. Maria always encouraged her mother, to trust
in the providence of God and she replied, “You’ll see, Mama; God will provide.” In the
spring of 1902, eleven year old Maria prepared to receive Our Lord in her First Holy
Communion. Her already generous heart grew even more and she poured more love into
her daily tasks and her family. Her family could not afford a white dress, lace or pearls.
On the morning of May 29, 1902, Maria put on a wine colored dress with tiny white dots
that her mother had given her. Another neighbor brought a pair of shoes. Another
provided a veil and another, a candle. Someone had woven a wreath of real flowers for
the head of the little Saint. Assunta, in a last minute attempt to make the outfit special,
placed on Maria, the only two nice things her husband had ever been able to afford to buy
her, a coral necklace and gold earrings. The topic of the homily of the Mass for Maria’s
First Communion was “Purity at all costs”. Whenever Maria went to church, she would
come back and tell her brothers and sister everything that the priest had said at Mass.
Assunta was uneducated by worldly standards, but she had a deep love and knowledge of
the Roman Catholic Faith and passed this love and knowledge on to all of her children.
The Gorettis were burdened with great poverty in worldly things, but were blessed with
tremendous richness in the Faith they shared as a family. Life grew only more difficult
for the family, as Giovanni Serenelli kept most of the money from the work that he and
Maria’s mother did in the fields. He would also lock up the food and only give the Goretti
family meager rations. Maria’s mother had to go see the landlord about the problem.
During this time, Maria ran the household and took on chores far beyond her age. She
went to the fountain to get water daily, she washed the clothes in the river and did all of
the mending and she also went to the village of Conca to buy provisions. She earned
extra money by selling eggs and chickens in Nettuno, where she would always visit the
shrine of Our Lady of Graces. She was known for her loving disposition and when a
merchant gave her an apple and a sugar cookie, she saved them to share with her brothers
and sisters.
Alessandro was a mixed bag as a person. He went to Mass, prayed the Rosary with the
Goretti family and was a hard worker. However due to the influence of pornography and
the bad company he kept, dark things brewed, in this twenty year old man’s soul. He had
begun to make improper advances to Maria, who was only eleven years old. He
threatened that if she told anyone, he would kill her. She feared telling her mother,
because it would only make their situation worse, so Maria tried to stay away from him at
On July 5, 1902, Maria had been left to work at home and take care of baby Theresa,
while her mother and the other children worked in the fields. Alessandro was also
working in the fields, but excused himself and returned to the house. Maria was sitting at
the top of the stairs outside the house, mending one of Alessandro’s shirts, while her baby
sister Theresa slept on a quilt beside her. Alessandro walked up the stairs and grabbed
Maria, pulling her into the kitchen. No one could hear her screams because of the
threshing machines that were operating in the fields. He demanded that she submit to him
and produced a knife. According to Alessandro, Maria said, “No! No! No! What are you
doing? Do not touch me! It is a sin - - you will go to Hell!” Alessandro became enraged
and stabbed her 14 times in the heart, lungs and stomach. Maria’s cries woke little
Theresa, who also began to cry. From the field, Maria’s mother saw the baby crying
alone at the top of the stairs. Fearing the baby might fall; Assunta sent her son Mariano,
to get the baby and find Maria. Alessandro’s father had fallen asleep earlier in the day,
under the base of the stairs and awakened from the baby’s crying. He and Mariano found
Maria, as she had begun to drag herself toward the kitchen door. She told them
Alessandro had stabbed her. “He wanted to make me do wrong and I would not.” A
doctor arrived to treat her wounds, but Maria never cried out in pain. From time to time,
she would say, “Oh, Alessandro, how unhappy you are! You will go to Hell!” Alessandro
was found, pretending to be asleep in his room. He was arrested by the police.
The rest of Maria’s life was spent in agony. Three surgeons in the hospital at Nettuno,
Drs. Bartoli, Perotti and Onesti, operated for two hours on Maria without administering
anesthetic. Due to her internal injuries, she could not have the water she requested. Maria
received Holy Communion from the same priest who had given her First Communion.
Dr. Bartoli told the priest, “Father, you will have little to do. We are leaving a dying girl,
but you are finding an angel.” He also gave her the Last Rites and she was made a Child
of Mary. During the 20 hours she lay in pain, she was a model of patience and
forgiveness, not even crying out in pain. When asked if she forgave her murderer with all
of her heart? Maria replied, “Yes, for the love of Jesus, I forgive him...and I want him to
be with me in Paradise...May God forgive him, because I already have forgiven him.”
Maria died at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, on July 6, 1902. She was eleven years, nine
months and twenty days old. Her last word was “Theresa!”, as though she had just
remembered the little sister she had left on the stair landing.
Alessandro’s trial for Maria’s murder began on Maria’s birthday, October 16, 1902. He
was completely unrepentant and was sentenced to thirty years hard labor in prison. The
first eight years of his sentence were passed with no sign of remorse or regret for the
taking of Maria’s life; but then Alessandro had a dream. In the dream Maria appeared to
him; she was dressed in white and was gathering lilies. She came near to him and smiled.
Maria encouraged him to accept the flowers, fourteen lilies, representing the 14 wounds
he had inflicted upon her. After he took each lily, it was transformed into a still, white
flame. Maria then disappeared. After the dream, Alessandro began to feel great sorrow
and remorse. “Godincidentally” the Bishop of Noto visited Alessandro in prison and
explained to him that Maria had forgiven him and that God would also forgive him.
Several days later, Alessandro wrote the bishop a letter, expressing his great remorse and
his thankfulness for the forgiveness of Maria and God.
Assunta, in fulfillment of Luigi’s last wishes, had moved her children back to Corinaldo
after the death of Maria. She was able to work as the housekeeper of a local priest and
had a small, but stable income. The Passionate Priests asked Assunta’s permission to the
move the body of Maria to the shrine of Our Lady of Grace in Nettuno. This was the
place where Maria always went to pray and had received her First Holy Communion.
Alessandro was released early from prison, for good behavior. He got a job as a gardener
in a Capuchin monastery. Alessandro testified for Maria’s beatification. He took total
blame for the incident and repeated that at the time of the attack, Maria’s thoughts had
been for his soul and both their eternal lives. He also told of the dream, where Maria
presented him with the 14 lilies which had led to his remorse and conversion. In 1937, on
Christmas Eve, Alessandro went to visit Maria’s mother at the rectory to tell her he was
sorry and hear from her own lips that she forgave him. He wept, as he begged for
forgiveness and Assunta replied, “that she could hardly refuse when Maria had been so
willing to extend forgiveness.” Then Assunta and Alessandro attended Midnight Mass at
Maria’s shrine. Assunta was present at the canonization with Maria’s brothers and sister;
she was the first mother to see her child canonized.
What a hard, heroic, pure, virtuous and holy life St. Maria Goretti led. Even before her
death, she was a Saint! She truly chose to die, rather than offend God! These coconut
cupcakes are named for St. Maria Goretti because they are pure white, just like the little
soul that her mother nurtured here on earth and like the dress Maria wore when she
appeared in Alessandro’s dream. She lived in terribly depressing, poor conditions; but she
glowed with the love of God and the light of Christ. She took her purity of heart wherever
she went and was an example to all. These cupcakes would be wonderful to make for a
child’s First Communion or Confirmation. Never cease to stress the importance of
remaining pure to your children! Pope John Paul II, exhorted young people to look up to
St. Maria Goretti as an example of purity to be emulated in this permissive society. The
Holy Father also went to visit a seventy year old Franciscan Missionary Nun, Sister
Theresa; the same Theresa who slept by the Saint on a quilt at the top of the stairs.
When you eat these cupcakes, remember St. Maria Goretti, who due to her family’s
monetary poverty, was not able to afford a white dress for her First Holy Communion. It
is so important for parents to remember, that St. Maria Goretti did not become a Saint
overnight. St. Maria Goretti was trained in the knowledge and love of the Faith and
trained in virtue by her mother. Our job as parents is to train our children the way St.
Maria Goretti was trained. Purity has value! The world mocks what God treasures! I am
sure St. Maria never tasted anything as rich and delicious as these cupcakes. St. Maria
Goretti possessed a whiteness of soul and a richness of faith that helped her endure her
hard life and become a Saint!” Copyright Building the Family Cookbook, Suzanne
Fowler, 2003