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Focus vs. Comparison

Hello Precious One!

Even though it is still the Christmas Season, I had to take down our Christmas tree yesterday. I had the football playoffs on TV while I was wrapping up the ornaments and I was being bombarded by weight-loss ads! Wow - bombarded was the word, as the ads had a frantic nature. Here is my take away from it all!

1) Whether you watch football or not, you will be able to grasp this life lesson which is critical for success in ANYTHING. The team that gets comfortable and loses their focus loses the game. The team that keeps their focus no matter how behind they are wins the game over and over again! In Kansas City the Royals showed us this in World Series baseball too! :)

2) A major way to lose focus in a "game" is to begin to compare in football, baseball or dieting. We may become overwhelmed and start to lose heart because the other team or diet seems better, faster or gets more results. Here is the FACT about weight-loss no matter if it is Light Weigh, juice, paleo, gastric bypass, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem or The Biggest Loser. Depending on the amount of weight you have to lose, you will have major weight loss drops the first three weeks (the more you need to lose the greater the drops). Then after that, God (yes - remember Him?) has designed your body to lose no more than 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. This was so a famine would have a harder time wiping you out. You actually will not lose weight faster on other programs! You also will not get peace with food on other programs.

3) Staying focused and in the game with Light Weigh will enable you to win if you do not quit! Now is the time to refocus and put both feet in Light Weigh One King or Light Weigh! Do not slouch and get comfortable - instead sit up straight and make the most of this God given opportunity you have in Light Weigh!

With Light Weigh You Will:

  • Learn how to overcome temptation on a consistent basis

  • Lose Weight

  • Impact the spiritual realm, by storing up treasure in Heaven and impacting events on this side

  • Deal with the reasons you turn to food

  • Learn to bring God into every area of your life, which keeps you from compartmentalizing both Him and our Catholic Faith

  • Learn to manage real food, which allows you to stay with it and keep weight off

  • Evangelize by spreading the Faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ through small groups

  • Connect with others, make friends and bring people into your parish who might not come otherwise

  • Increase your knowledge and familiarity of Sacred Scripture, prayer and Church history

  • Save money on food bills, medical bills and medicine (documented!)

Bottom line - It's half time for a lot of you. If you keep your focus on God and stay in the game, you can win. It is that simple.

Yours In Christ The Risen Lord!


P.S. Get others on fire for our Faith. Would you like to be a Light Weigh apostle by taking Light Weigh brochures and leaving them in the vestibules of neighboring parishes? Email us and we will send you the brochures. You may put your first name, phone or email on them if you want people to contact you to join your group! :)

New Orientation Bulletin Announcement:

God has the answers for our weight, food struggle and all temptations! (Light Weigh One King/Light Weigh) is starting at (parish) on (date, day of week & time). (Light Weigh One King/Light Weigh) is a 12 week Catholic Bible Study DVD program recommended by priests, doctors, nurses & Prevention Magazine for weight-loss and health.There are no weigh-ins. View the Light Weigh Orientation video at: and click on Light Weigh One King Orientation Video on the right side of the screen, halfway down.

If you are interested in joining the (parish) group call (first name and phone) to order your program materials and join this life changing program!


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